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Manuscripts submitted are original works of authors, have never been published in other journals, and are not being considered or assessed in other journals. All manuscripts must comply with: 1) the focus and scope of the journal (in the field of Physics Education and Physics), and 2) the guidelines for writing articles. The Editor will carry out this conformity check. If it does not meet the criteria, it will be rejected.
Editors perform plagiarism checks of articles using Turnitin software. If significant plagiarism is found, it will be confirmed to the author to be corrected first. It is recommended that plagiarism check be carried out not only by the Editor but also by the author concerned before submitting the manuscript to this journal.
The Editor will send the appropriate manuscripts to the reviewer. The manuscript will be blind-peer-reviewed by a minimum of 2 (two) expert reviewers.
The decision to accept the article (rejected, requires major revision, requires minor revision, or is accepted) will be made by the Editor and confirmed to the author according to the reviewer comments and the plagiarism check results.
The publication of the accepted articles, including the order in which the articles were published, will be carried out by the Chief Editor with several considerations such as the research issue's recency, the order of date received, and the geographical distribution of the author.