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Article should be prepared in the form of softcopy written in A4 paper size and a single column, with a margin of top = 2.54 cm, bottom = 2.54 cm, and side = 1.90 cm. The paragraph indentation size is 0.5 cm. The text in the sentence is typed with a 1.2 cm space, font type Arial, and font size 10 pt.
Manuscript should consist of not more than 4500 words or 15 pages including tables and figures.
Review of article is conducted to review whether the article meets the standard of quality criteria to be published. The manuscript will be directly rejected by editors without giving any formal reviews if: 1) the topic is not suitable to the scope of the journal, 2) the results are less beneficial, 3) the scope and purpose are not deeply formulated, 4) the findings do not improve the scientific knowledge, 5) the article is not written completely. Eligible manuscripts will be reviewed by reviewers for 2 weeks then reviewers' notes will be delivered to authors 3 weeks after the first submission. Authors should send the article revision to the editor a week after receiving reviewers' notes.
Structure of manuscript should consist of the following items:
1. title
2. abstract
3. introduction
4. method
5. results
6. discussion
6. conclusion
7. acknowledgment (if any)
8. references
Mathematics formula should be created by using the Microsoft equation program. Variables are italicized and units are written in SI (not italicized).
Figure caption must be centered under each figure and in a font size of 9 pt. Captions are written separately, not attached to figures.
Table caption is written on top and typed with a 9-point font, Arial, and centered. Table captions with more than one line are typed with a 1 cm space. Horizontal lines in the table are 1 pt wide, while vertical lines are hidden.
Title should be clear, concise, and descriptive. Abbreviations and formulas should be avoided. The authors' identities should be written in full by writing the name, institution address, postal code, and email address of the corresponding author.
Abstract should be written briefly and factually in two languages, Bahasa and English, with a limit of 150 words. An abstract contains a clear discussion of the research purpose, the results and the conclusions. The abstract should be written separately from the article. Abstracts should not contain references, but if they are indispensable, the authors' names and publication year should be included. The use of nonstandard abbreviations should be avoided, but if it is necessary, the full name should be specified.
Introduction contains the aim of the article/study that is formulated and provided by adequate introduction and avoids the use of detailed references and the presentation of research results.
Methods applied should be provided with the references, and any modifications should be described. In a literature review paper, the procedure and data analysis approach should be emphasized.
Results part is the most important portion of scientific publications since it contains the outcomes of data analysis and hypothesis testing, and they can be accompanied by tables or graphs to help explain the results verbally.
Discussion part should provide the advantage of the research results, not the portion where the results part is repeated.
Conclusion of the study is presented briefly in the conclusion part.
References in the article should cite the last name and year. If citing some authors, it should be ordered based on the most recent reference. If citing from the article written by two authors, all authors' names should be cited. Meanwhile, if citing from the article written by three or more authors, it is cited by writing first author's name followed by et al. Citation should be written in reference part. Every cited reference should be entirely written in the reference part. Unpublished reference is not suggested to be cited in the article. Reference should be written according to the format of reference. This journal requires 80% of references cited from the last 10 years' articles and 80% from research articles or reports.
The manuscript is written without hyphen (-), except for repeated words. The manuscript is rejected if the material is not suitable to the journal's scope, having poor quality, not following the writing format, containing complicated language, not original research, and unresponsive correspondence.
The examples of reference format are:
Widowati, A., Nurohman, S., & Anjarsari P. (2017). Developing Science Learning Material with Authentic Inquiry Learning Approach to Improve Problem Solving and Scientific Attitude. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 6(1), 32-44.
Halliday, D., Resnick, R., & Walker, J. (2013). Fundamentals of physics. John Wiley & Sons.
Republik Indonesia. (2003). Undang-Undang RI Nomor 20, Tahun 2003. tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.
Book compiled by the editor:
Sofian Effendi. (1982). Unsur-unsur penelitian ilmiah. Dalam Masri Singarimbun (Ed.). Metode Peneltian Survei. Jakarta: LP3ES.
Translated book:
Daniel, W.W. (1980). Statistika non-parametrik terapan. (Terjemahan Tri Kuntjoro). Jakarta: Gramedia.
Thesis and dissertation:
Slamet Suyanto (2009). Keberhasilan sekolah dalam ujian nasional ditinjau dari organisasi belajar. Disertasi, tidak dipublikasikan. Universitas Negeri Jakarta.
Article of a journal:
Damayanti, P., & Ulva, S. M. (2017). Pengembangan Media Adobe Flash CS3 Pada Konsep Bunyi Dengan Mengaplikasikan Model Instructional Games. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Dasar KEGURU, 1(1), 28–42.
Syam, M., & Efwinda, S. (2019). Analisis Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Dengan Menerapkan Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) Pada Mata Kuliah Fisika Dasar di FKIP Universitas Mulawarman. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika PPs Universitas Negeri Makassar, 1.
White, H. (2007). Problem-based learning in introductory science across disciplines. Diakses tanggal 27 Maret 2007 dari http://www.udel.edu/chem/white/final-rpt.html.