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This article aims to discuss the architectural style of the At-Taqwa Great Mosque in Kutacane, Southeast Aceh, during the period of 2016 to 2023. The study follows a qualitative research design with a descriptive approach. The research method used in this study is historical research. Data collection was conducted through interviews and observations. The results indicate that Islamic architecture is a captivating style that exemplifies the beauty of each building. Each detail contains a symbolic element with a significant meaning. An architectural work takes the form of a building, commonly referred to as a cultural symbol and also considered a work of art. Likewise, the architectural works within the At-Taqwa Great Mosque building combine styles from various local and international influences, resulting in a stunning work of art.


Architecture Mosque Kutacane Southeast Aceh

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How to Cite
Zulfa, N., & Siregar, Y. D. (2023). The Architectural Style of Masjid Agung At-Taqwa, Kutacane, Southeast Aceh (2016-2023). Yupa: Historical Studies Journal, 7(2), 182-193.


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