• Eka Nurjayanti Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 3, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning outcomes, The Eyes of Pancasila and Citizenship Education, Panel Discussion


When Pancasila and Civic Education teachers teach with the lecture method, most students do not actively follow the ongoing PBM because students feel saturated, so that when the student score test the average learning outcome is only 52.35 which reaches the predetermined KKM of 75.1. In connection with these conditions, the teacher tries to take corrective actions through PTK, namely applying the panel discussion method in learning. This Class Action Research aims to improve student activities and learning outcomes in Pancasila and Civic Education subjects through the Panel Discussion Method, Types This research is classroom action research with the Kemmis & MC Taggart model which is carried out in two cycles, and each cycle consists of two meetings. The subjects of the study were class XII students of TKPI SMK Negeri 3 Tarakan, totaling 20 people. The results of data analysis were obtained in the Pre-Cycle stage of student activity of 1 2.50%, while in the First Cycle stage student activity in learning was 55.45% and in Cycle II student activity in learning was 85.45 % in the high category. Thus there has been an increase in student activity from Pre Cycle to Cycle I by 4 2.95% and from Cycle I to Cycle II by 30.00%. Then the increase in student activity from Pre Cycle to Cycle II was 72.95%. and the average score of the learning outcomes class in the Pre-Cycle was 5 7.00 while in Cycle I it was 71.00 and in cycle II it was 83.0 0. Thus there has been an increase in learning outcomes from Pre Cycle to Cycle II by 19.00 and 100% of students have reached completion according to the targeted KKM is 75.1. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the panel-type group discussion method in civics subjects can improve learning activities and student learning outcomes.


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