Focus and Scope

Adjektiva: Educational Languages and Literature Studies (e-ISSN 2622-6022) is an international forum for original research in the fields of linguistics, literature, and language and literature education, whose data are from the local languages in Indonesia, Indonesian languages, and foreign languages. Adjektiva: Educational Languages and Literature Studies welcome a variety of topics, theoretical orientations, and methodological approaches (both qualitative and quantitative). In order to publish in Adjektiva: Educational Languages and Literature Studies, a study must have an overview of previous research or theoretical concepts that are packaged to justify the novelty/uniqueness of the research conducted.

The scope of the research is as follows (but not limited to):

  1. Studies that highlight the potential of linguistics and applied linguistics (e.g. phonology, morphology, syntax, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, anthropolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, stylistics, dialectology, comparative historical linguistics, psychopragmatics, etc.)

  2. Critical studies of literature (e.g. digitization of literature, new literary theory, applied literature, oral literature/oral tradition, gender studies, philology, etc.)

  3. Identity in language and literature (e.g. ethnic identity, vocational identity, job identity, religious identity, moral identity, political identity, etc.)

  4. Research on innovations or on the effectiveness of various language education program models (e.g. learning curriculum, learning strategies, learning assessment, language learning for foreign speakers, international language coaching, etc.)