• Sjafruddin Achmad
  • Hasbi Sjamsir
  • Susilo
Keywords: Management, Human Resources, Universitas Kutai Kartanegara


Education is a government effort to educate the people of Indonesia, as mandated in
the opening of the Constitution 1945, Human resources education is an important
factor for the success of an education that must be managed with the most, because
with the management of human resources education this educational institution can
produce quality graduatesto realize the quality of the college graduates are required a
qualified HR lecturer through the management of human resources in the University
of Kutai Kartanegara. Human Resource Management (MSDM) is managing
recruitment, selection, awarding, efforts to maintain assessment and promotion of
personnel to gain the welfare or sanction of the institutions. The research objectives
are: (1) to describe the mechanism of HR recruitment. 2 To describe the efforts to
increase HR capability. (3) to describe the HR career level. (4) to describe the welfare
of human resources. (5) to describe the process of termination or termination of human
resources at Kutai Kartanegara University. This method of research uses a case study
method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are conducted with;
Interviews, observations, photography, and documentation. Data was analyzed by the
interactive model Milles Huberman (1994), namely; Data collection, data reduction,
display data, and conclusion. Data validity checks are conducted to test credibility,
transferability, dependability and confirmability. The results of the study found (1) The
recruitment of resources lecturer in education and teaching is determined by the
quality of lecturers. (2) Improving the resource capability of lecturers measured
through performance. 3 Career Enhancement lecturer conducted
with the implementation of college followers (4) Lecturers get guaranteed income,
based on the performance report of lecturers (5) dismissal and sanctions system and
award based monitoring, performance of lecturers using a written record system.


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