Investigasi efektivitas dan respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran STEM dengan model EDP pada topik pemanasan global

Effectiveness and student response investigation of STEM learning with EDP model in the topic of global warming

  • Septyani Triwulandari Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Mulawarman
  • Nurul Fitriyah Sulaeman Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Mulawarman
  • Muliati Syam Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Mulawarman
Keywords: Effectiveness, Response of students, STEM-EDP based teaching materials


This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness and response of students after being taught using STEM-based teaching materials with the EDP model on global warming materials. The sample in this study was 33 students of grade XI in public high school at samarinda. The research implementation is in the even semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. The instrument used in this research is a test instrument on the assessment of knowledge with a research design of One Group Pretest-Posttest and a questionnaire instrument to determine the responses of students. The results of the analysis, STEM-based physics teaching materials with the EDP model is based on effective in physics learning with an N-Gain score of 0.71 and are included in the high category based on the criteria for the effectiveness. These results indicate an increase in student learning outcomes before and after using STEM-EDP based teaching materials. The results of the analysis of student responses were declared positive with an average score of 81%. Thus it can be concluded that STEM-EDP-based teaching materials are effectively used and get a positive response from students.


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