A Content Analysis of Indonesian Science Curriculum for Junior High School in the Topic Climate Change

A content analysis of Indonesian science curriculum for Junior High School in the topic climate change

  • Vika Yulinda Antika Universitas Mulawarman
  • Nurul Fitriyah Sulaeman Universitas Mulawarman
  • Syayidah Dinurrohmah Universitas Mulawarman
  • Atin Nuryadin Universitas Mulawarman
  • Lambang Subagiyo Universitas Mulawarman
Keywords: 2013 Curriculum, Merdeka Curriculum, Comparative Curriculum, Climate Change


The change of Indonesian curriculum from 2013 curriculum to merdeka curriculum encourages the acceleration of adaptation in junior high school science learning to be closer to the environment and climate change topics. This study aims to provide a comparative description between the 2013 curriculum and merdeka curriculum and their representation in the 7th-grade junior high school science textbooks on the topic of climate change. Content analysis method was used in this study to analyze the documents both from 2013 curriculum and merdeka curriculum and textbooks in each curriculum. Results showed that the 2013 curriculum and the merdeka curriculum have different curriculum development patterns, both in the allocation of time, and the learning process, where the 2013 curriculum presents the material deeoly and in a specific,  chapter, whereas in the merdeka curriculum the material is only presented in the form of case studies that are integrated with the topic of substances and their changes. The depth of the topic in the 2013 curriculum is adjusted to its characteristics in the development of concept knowledge, analysis and creating ideas. On the other hand while in the merdeka curriculum has characteristics that integrates of the application science with socioeconomics, therfore the integration of topics and presentation in the form of general case studies (emphasis on the engineering section) is encourage to be conducted.


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